Somedays I wake up and feel on top of the world. Other days I feel like the world is on top of me. Somedays I feel like throwing up a sign to the world saying "I QUIT". It seems the closer I get to God, the devil has a rope hooked on to me trying to pull me back into his mess.
This evening I learned a valuable lesson. After I got home from work, I had a heated debate with my eleven year old son. It seems like he is just determined to do what he wants and to me, it seems as though he doesn't have any fear of consequences for his actions. I said the words, "I give up" to him and ended the conversation. God quickly said in my spirit, "but Kelli, I haven't given up on you"! Immediately, I thought about what I was doing wrong. What is it that I am not doing right? God immediately revealed my sin, PRIDE. I was assuming that I could change him and make him a believer. I was depending on my ability to Make him do what he was suppose to do out of fear of me. That's not reality. Not one of us has control over the next one's actions, thoughts or choices. God gives us free will to decide whether or not we will do right or wrong. He will never force his will on us. I can't give up on him, solely because God put him in my hands as his caretaker. It is my job to teach him right from wrong, His word, and how to live in accordance with the bible. I am to show him by example. I admit that I am not the greatest mom on earth, but I am trying. I can not do anything with out the arm of God helping and sustaining me. It then came to me, that I CAN NOT DO ANYTHING in my own strength or power. But through Christ, I can do all things through Him that strengthens me. I had to give him over to the care of God. Only He has the power to change people, places and things. I must continually ask for God's help in this and all areas of struggle in my life. I have to remeber that our words can be either life or death. Scripture tells me that blessings and cursing should not come out of the same mouth. So I will speak victory and blessings, hope, encouragement, and wisdom into my child's life in a loving way and ask God to take over when I have reached the end of my rope.